Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Deep in the Heart of Texas: Part Un

Three days ago we began this, what my sister calls “new journey”, to Texas. It began Wednesday morning when my mother woke us all up to the sound of her packing up the rest of our belongings and shoving them into the back of the moving truck parked, obnoxiously, on the lawn of our house. I watched from the side lines as this all happened, throwing tantrums, fighting whatever I could and thinking back to the apartment I had in Orlando all this time ago.

I thought about my old roommate and where she is and how she was doing and how long it took me to move from home to Orlando to home again. And I wondered if the apartment in Texas would be the same. Would it have a view? How big is my bedroom? Do I have a window in my bedroom? Is the shower big? A bathtub?

We started to drive that afternoon hitting the road at about one thirty on the dot. We started off- my brother-in- law and I- in the moving truck because we were towing my car with my mother and sister following behind us. We had a good start but then something happened with my mothers car something with the headlights or whatever the hell so we pulled over and changed cars.

Side question: have you ever driven with a pug? Its very hard. They’re loud and they pant and they bark and mine farts whenever she barks. Its disgusting but she’s my baby girl. Right?

We changed cars and I was now driving with my mother and her broken headlights and matching broken radio. I couldn’t play my road jams (Madonna’s new album if you wanted to know. I’m OBSESSED.) I watched as my past flew away in the rearview mirror, watched as the signs grew from Florida to Alabama to Louisiana.

It was about eleven when we finally stopped. You have to understand my brother-in-law had cancer. He’s cured now and everything just a few more checkups and he’s cancer free (claps) and he drove the truck by himself for the whole ride! He was exhausted. Not to mention the fact that my mother woke us up early that morning. So we stopped and went to a hotel.

Here’s a fun fact about me I love hotels. I’m not sure why. I just really like them. Something in the air I guess. Or it could be because they have free shit (hello continational breakfast I’m looking at you) and those little shitty shampoos and conditioners and matching soap I’m smiling just thinking about it.

We stopped at a hotel and my head hit that pillow and I slept. A sleep like death. You know one of those sleeps were you like drool… yeah… that was me… only to be awoken by…

My sister.

“We wanna hit the road soon its gonna rain in Texas.”
I was about to hit her.

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